The last few months were busy. I spent June and July in the Gaspésie and Côte Nord regions of Quebec, on both sides of the St-Laurence river photographing Northern Gannets, Atlantic Puffins, Common Murres, Bald Eagles, and Osprey.

One of my destinations on this photo trip was Bonaventure Island. This island is about a 30-minute boat ride from Percé Quebec on the tip of Gaspe Peninsula. It has one of the largest Northern Gannet colonies in the world and is a prime location for photographing them in flight and in their nesting habitat.

On the north shore of the St. Laurence, I visited Longue Pointe de Mingan, near the border of Labrador. The little village is a short boat ride away from a small island called Île aux Perroquets. The island is part of Mingan Archipelago National Park. There is an old lighthouse and light house keeper buildings which we can tour, but more importantly it’s a great place to photograph atlantic puffins, common murres, ducks and lots of other sea birds.

Check out my bird photo gallery to see some of my new photos.

In August I was back in the Arctic. I spend lots of time on the ocean to photograph polar bears in their summer habitat.
As a wildlife photographer, I spend many hours, sometimes days in the field waiting to see animals. The territory is vast and the animals are always on the move to find food.

I had been searching for bears for two weeks when I finally saw a big female bear swimming from a island to shore. It’s always tricky to photograph from a boat with the waves and wind making the boat unstable. I managed to get some shots of the bear before she disappeared on the land over a hill.

Check out my polar bear gallery to see some of the swimming bear photos.

I have just enough time to get some prints ready for clients and finish a few other projects before leaving again. This time, it’s to Bella Coola, British Columbia to photograph grizzly bears. I will be guiding a grizzly bear photo safari in the beautiful Bella Coola Valley. The Atnarko river runs through the valley and is one of the best places in Canada to photograph grizzly bears in their natural habitat. In September, when the salmon go up the river to spawn, a large concentration of grizzly bears go there to feed. This is also a good time and place to see wolves and bald eagles.